Noticed a Big Improvement…
“Since joining The Kang’s ATA Self Defense School, we are delighted to notice a big improvement in our son Vijay and our daughter Veda with their self-discipline, positive attitude as well as their interest, motivation and performance at the Elementary School, and other extra curricular activities such as Piano, Art and Kumon classes. We can tell with our experience in Kentucky State, that Vijay and Veda now look forward very much to the Taekwondo classes, and it reflects highly on the quality of teaching at The Kang’s ATA Self Defense School. In fact, we believe that our children are lucky to learn from such an excellent high-level Number One World Class Champions such as the Chief Master Kang, the 8th Degree Black Belt, and Mr. Jay Kang, the 5th Degree Black Belt.”
– G.D. Reddy,MBA and V.L. Reddy,MD